Dec 8, 2008

Knowledge implemented

A lot of people have certain talents, abilities, potentials and diverse opportunities all around their vicinity but they fail to use them. They have been made to believe that money never comes so easy. But what is money? Money are ideas, money is created, money flows to the person that has service to render in solving a particular need.
If you want money, go about solving problems for people and you'll be making yourself one with the wealthy. We were created to be like God and create the things we want to have. If only you know the potentials that lie within you, you would take yourself more seriously and make use of the information that you have to create service for people and attract money to yourself.
Everybody has something unique to offer that no other person can offer like him/her. Look deep within you, make use of that thing you have, leverage your way and make your life worthwhile and fulfilling.
Whatever you are in life, you are responsible for you. Information makes a whole lot of difference when you have acces to them and you implement them in your favour and in the good of humanity. Everybody has something to contribute to make our world a better place. Discover yourself and take action.
You do not know how much you are missing in lieing unproductive. Do something, meke the best use of your time and other resources. Be responsible, be consistent. Never give up, for if a man is prepared to stand forever, then it will not take long. make upyour mind to be a success and contribute your quota to better the lives of many.
Implement the knowledge you have.

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